Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Buzz LightYOOOO

Its that part of our childs life where imagination is really taking place.. he is constantly singing to himself and making up all the words... much that sounds like its from another world.. he can now put that together with dress ups.. darling aunty fifi has just sent him for his birthday Buzz Lightyear (or buzz lightyoooo as lior says it), batman and 2 spiderman outfits.. so here he is ,, in all his glory.. too cute!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

A BIG week!

What a week! Lior has really been a challenge of late and Im thinking he is testing his boundaries again to see how far he can push us.. As Ive been ill I guess I have let him go somewhat so its time to pull in the reins a bit.. He has started to put on a show every time we put him to bed refusing to go to sleep.. so with much screaming and hitting of doors and walls and sometimes taking away his precious piano.. he eventually gives in usually after an hour..

The good things of this week are... he swam the best he has ever swam at swim lessons.. really really did so well and I am so proud of him.. he no longer has his rocking chair (see saw) in his room.. He has had his chain dropped off his dummy (after getting smacked in the head with it!) and only has D and B (dummy and bunny) for day time sleep and going to bed.. and occasionally when he has hurt himself or really sleepy..

We have had the passionfruits falling off the vine regularly now for a while.. and had SIX one day and they are really yummy.. pix below of how huge some are!

I am also feeling much better recently after taking Jacquis chinese 'prawn eye' medicine.. I still feel quite arthritic in the mornings but can manage a power walk every couple of days and even a 20 minute bike ride.. always helps toward my 8 kilo weight loss goal!

Will start aqua aerobics this week and treating myself to Kiva Spa with some girlies too.. shld be fun.. also will find out if I have the chance at a photography job too!!

Lior is really growing up now.. such a chatterbox though! sometimes I just long for him to get to school so I can have space with no noise just to be with myself...

All in all a big week.. feeling good.. lior moving through things and growing up so fast.. only 4 weeks till we are off to Thailand so looking forward to being thinner, healthier and happier in my relationship.. all things we are working on and looking to a better future..

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Wishing Stones

Got a great idea at the markets today.. Wishing Stones with a butterfly perched on top.. a little girl told me she had a rainbow one like ours on a stone.. and it was called a wishing stone.. so Lior and I ventured to Fern Beach today to collect stones.. As I hadnt been there for such a long time.. took the camera along as its such a lovely beach and we were going to see daddy playing basketball down near there so two birds with one stone :) HA!!
anyway see the lovely pix of the Mr Stone/Stick Man

Friday, March 7, 2008

Beach Fun

Today Lior and I had a 'date' and went out for chocolate milkshakes!! I have just joined weight watchers or Biggest Loser as lior calls it! so today is my fat day.. I am letting Saturday be my one day where I can indulge in something yummy.. Assi had gone off with a friend to Byron to surf so we had a lovely morning out and then met up with Jason, Tyger, Jo and Lani for some beach fun

Monday, March 3, 2008

Liors 3rd Birthday

Well our big boy has turned 3 and we all had a fun filled day at Whitewater World with Aunty Chrissie and daddy taking a day off work.. Saturday was his party.. see pix and all in all was a great time.. he got lots of great books and ten pin bowling games, some swords which he enjoyed 'swording' everyone with Tyger and he seems so much more grown up now.. he is really starting to act like a pre schooler.. hmmm not sure if thats good or bad.. anyway lots of fun and lior loved having aunty chrissie here for a whole week :)