Sunday, August 10, 2008

A visit from Nanny - August 08

Well Ive just turned 39.. my last year in my 30's.. didnt really think I was worried too much about being so close to 40 but after a few went oooohhhh I sat back and took in where in my life I had arrived - life has just flown by. But as they say 40 is the new 30.. so Ive decided to embrace it and looking forward to all the wise years to follow..

Darling Nanny came to visit us for my birthday and to enjoy our funny little man.. Was sad today though when we had to say goodbye.. he cried so much that it broke my heart.. of course he soon got over it but every now and then would start to cry again and plead with me to go with Nanny on the bus.

We have done so much work this week.. or should I say mum did so much work this week, cutting, glittering, cooking, gardening.. playing with Lior and making elaborate castles with blocks.. its really been a lot of fun.. and sad to see her go.. we plan to be home for Xmas in Wagga so something for Lior to look forward to again..

We tried out a new market yesterday at Mt Tambourine. It was great fun with a baby animal farm right behind us and ride on cars that seemed to have the daddys laughing and having more fun than their kids!