Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Family Shoot

Well we finally got together and got some family piccies done.. Always hard with Lior as we end up having to bribe him to stay still in the photo and smile.. so it was done in a bit of whirlwind fashion.. but got some beauties so v pleased with the end result :)

Saturday, February 14, 2009

and more of the gorgeous one...

Our First Leisurely Sunday - post markets

Our First Leisurely Sunday - post markets (Brunswick Heads)

Well today is the first day we have had as a family (besides camping last weekend).. so off we went to find some yabbies

Then off to the park after no yabbies could be found..

A joyful time was had by all...

Friday, February 13, 2009

more of the tum tum - 28wks

Well here I am at 28 weeks. At this stage its probably feeling like a full term singleton pregnancy with the tum around 112cm!

Ive got the full waddle on and hips aching at night. Mostly feeling pretty good, tired but good and getting close to being ready at home to receive our bundles of joy.