Sunday, June 21, 2009

Its Twin Time

Well the twinnies are now 2mths old.. it has been a rollercoaster of sorts .. emotionally especially.. Im mostly tired and emotionally drained but I do have lots more moments of joy and love for these cute little people.. We have been sleep training for a week now and just when you think theyve got it they cry for hours on end.. and hard to think its gonna ever end..

The bubbas are growing so much but Elijah still feels much smaller and newborn like.. and Miss Sophia is growing rolls on her legs and is so so smiley and cute.. Elijah gives us smiles every day but much more reserved and much more of a fusspot.. He seems to be the one keeping us all awake mostly but Sophia can certainly gives us a run for the money..

Anyway here are some photos of our lil cutie pies