Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Sushi Playdate

Today the babes and I went to meet up with Blythe and little Ori for sushi at O'Sushi in Coolangatta. There we were surrounded by 3 high chairs and 3 little people demanding our attention. We still managed to have good conversation in between putting food in mouths and wiping mess and picking up things from the ground. The kids loved another first.. Udon noodles! They were slurpin em back and wanting more! Another great outing and then back home to do some work...

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Been a While

well the gorgeous ones are turning one in less than a month! A lot has been going on lately.. new website, shop on etsy getting to the fabulous look I have been wanting for a long time, moving forward in lots of ways with my business.. Assi has been in a new job since September last year and standing tall and strong and proud.. Lior has started big school and loves it.. the bus trips I think are his favourite part of the day and he has started to read books with one sentence per page and really doing well.

Lior and Assi are currently in Israel with the family celebrating Passover. They are having a great time and Im really looking forward to seeing their relationship unfold now after having such a great bonding experience. The house is so much quieter and cleaner without 2 extra people in the house and its so nice having the extra time to bond with the babies and also to catch up on much needed work.

This week is busy with photographing butterflies at a florist for my wedding pix, sushi with a friend, friends bday on Good Friday and the landlord coming to do some much needed repairs. I also look forward to doing my 5km per day on the bike with the babes in the trailer. They are so cute they look like 2 little old people in there and generally fall asleep every time from all the bumping along.

Heres how they look now.. cute as ever!