Thursday, December 19, 2013

Getting excited for Xmas!! Been flat out and looking forward to a break over xmas and then getting back into the action with some new ideas with my critters :)

Merry Xmas and a Wonderful new year to all of my followers :)

Rose xx

Saturday, January 5, 2013

My family all grown up!

My oh MY its been a crazy few years!!  here we are just hit January 2013 and my twins will turn 4 soon!! I am so in love with my kids its not funny.. They are such hard work and I struggle from time to time with having time to myself but I know this time is fleeting and soon enough they will be asking for the keys to the car and going out on dates.. and one day leaving home.. so for now I am loving them to bits and enjoying every moment.. I am planning on having a huge year this year with my butterfly business.. I am making Tutus For Girls now and loving it immensely.. I have an employee and am moving onward and upward in the online world studying SEO and all the intense IT stuff that goes along with having a website.. interesting but mind blowingly draining stuff to learn.. All in all a fun year ahead with kids and work.. Assi is great and going so well at work.. we are all so happy and the kids are thriving.. Lior has been cured of ADHD and ODD from supplementation and going down the biomed path and now we are working on healing darling sweet Elijah of Aspergers.. he is going well so far due to gluten and dairy free dieting and treating him for pyroluria.. here are some latest pix of my beautiful tribe :)

If you like Tutus For Girls  click here

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Wow the kidlets are now 2.5! sooo much has happened since then .. I just came across my blog and though wow how many other things have gotten in the way of this! I would really like to put something up once a month now just for the kids to look at in the future.. so here tis..

Lior is 6, he does swimming, nippers, AFL and is really good at all 3.. He can do the worm and wants to do hip hop classes next year.. The little ones are toilet training.. so far so good.. sophia is much better at it of course and they both love to get stickers as rewards.. Elijah just had his operation to remove his cyst from his eye a week ago.. all went well.. still slightly swollen but can see how he will look without this great huge lump over his eye.. so glad its gone now..

Its getting close to summer, pool and bbqs and xmas!! EEEKK where did this year go?!!!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Sushi Playdate

Today the babes and I went to meet up with Blythe and little Ori for sushi at O'Sushi in Coolangatta. There we were surrounded by 3 high chairs and 3 little people demanding our attention. We still managed to have good conversation in between putting food in mouths and wiping mess and picking up things from the ground. The kids loved another first.. Udon noodles! They were slurpin em back and wanting more! Another great outing and then back home to do some work...

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Been a While

well the gorgeous ones are turning one in less than a month! A lot has been going on lately.. new website, shop on etsy getting to the fabulous look I have been wanting for a long time, moving forward in lots of ways with my business.. Assi has been in a new job since September last year and standing tall and strong and proud.. Lior has started big school and loves it.. the bus trips I think are his favourite part of the day and he has started to read books with one sentence per page and really doing well.

Lior and Assi are currently in Israel with the family celebrating Passover. They are having a great time and Im really looking forward to seeing their relationship unfold now after having such a great bonding experience. The house is so much quieter and cleaner without 2 extra people in the house and its so nice having the extra time to bond with the babies and also to catch up on much needed work.

This week is busy with photographing butterflies at a florist for my wedding pix, sushi with a friend, friends bday on Good Friday and the landlord coming to do some much needed repairs. I also look forward to doing my 5km per day on the bike with the babes in the trailer. They are so cute they look like 2 little old people in there and generally fall asleep every time from all the bumping along.

Heres how they look now.. cute as ever!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Its Twin Time

Well the twinnies are now 2mths old.. it has been a rollercoaster of sorts .. emotionally especially.. Im mostly tired and emotionally drained but I do have lots more moments of joy and love for these cute little people.. We have been sleep training for a week now and just when you think theyve got it they cry for hours on end.. and hard to think its gonna ever end..

The bubbas are growing so much but Elijah still feels much smaller and newborn like.. and Miss Sophia is growing rolls on her legs and is so so smiley and cute.. Elijah gives us smiles every day but much more reserved and much more of a fusspot.. He seems to be the one keeping us all awake mostly but Sophia can certainly gives us a run for the money..

Anyway here are some photos of our lil cutie pies