Sunday, November 13, 2011


Wow the kidlets are now 2.5! sooo much has happened since then .. I just came across my blog and though wow how many other things have gotten in the way of this! I would really like to put something up once a month now just for the kids to look at in the future.. so here tis..

Lior is 6, he does swimming, nippers, AFL and is really good at all 3.. He can do the worm and wants to do hip hop classes next year.. The little ones are toilet training.. so far so good.. sophia is much better at it of course and they both love to get stickers as rewards.. Elijah just had his operation to remove his cyst from his eye a week ago.. all went well.. still slightly swollen but can see how he will look without this great huge lump over his eye.. so glad its gone now..

Its getting close to summer, pool and bbqs and xmas!! EEEKK where did this year go?!!!

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