Monday, December 31, 2007

Tree Huggn

Today we took nanny to Brunswick Heads to do some snoopin around in the shops.. Lior thoroughly enjoyed the swings at the park and insisted on going faster and higher than anyone else.. the park has such lovely big old trees and snapped this gorgeous pic of lior as we were chillin in the sunshine and enjoying family time

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Rough and Tumble

We decided to head down to see Phil and Carol and were very curious how the ocean looked as they were predicting high and very rough seas.. this pic is a rare one of all three of us as we braved the wind.. still its a fun shot.. we didnt stay long it was just too much.. but nice to see the ocean all ferocious

Friday, December 21, 2007

Its showtime!

Well the much anticipated arrival of nanny has come.. Lior has been doing a good job of show and tell of all his wares, and testing out nannys make up bag... ending in an ouchy from licking her nail polish! Not long till Santa comes now, with a constant reminder that he is still watching and making sure Lior has been a good boy so he can get his santa list fulfilled.. hmmm well if that were true Lior would be terribly disappointed this year.. he has been a bit 'challenging' the last couple of weeks.. and the naughty mat has become my new friend.. it really helps me to remain calm when Im dealing with those hiccups through the day.

Back to wrapping pressies :)

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Strawberry boy

This morning for the first time Lior asked ME to take his photo.. so raced him to somewhere with some good light inside and took this as he was stuffing his face with a strawberry.. its a bit blurry but still I love it.. he ended up having to change as it ran down his arms and onto his shirt.. very yummalicious boy though.. got a good strawberry kiss after this photo MWAH xx

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Peter Butter Man

Had to put this picture on.. just came across it and was taken last month .. Lior was having a silly moment and was covered in peanut butter.. or as he calls it peter butter ... so cute first thing in the morning all happy, all peter buttered in his new dinosaur jammies from safta and saaba..

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Blowin Santas

I just love these pics of Lior.. He was so excited as I told him to get more santa clause's and blow them.. I think I took over 400 pix.. but so pleased I did as was so much fun watching his joy and also seeing such great results from my new camera!

Ooh la la

Have just started my first blog of our little family.. this is the first picture that I have chosen to add .. I love this photo of my darling husband Assi.. he just looks so sexy in his friends pervy sunnies, and you can see me in the reflection sitting at a cafe with my sister just after touching down in Melbourne - of course the first thing we had to do was get a good coffee!

On with the joy... loooovve looking through old photos!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Super Hero's

After a long day of shopping in Tweed Heads I get home to find my dear boy trying to put on his new swimming goggles.. with frogs being his latest 'thing' they were of course froggy goggles.. I helped him on with them.. a bit too small after seeing his sweet face all squooshed up inside.. he looked so 'special' I had to photograph for future laughs.. I told him he looked like a special kind of super hero and which one was he.. he quite cheekily told me 'Poo Poo Head'.. I said ohh and what kind of super power do you have.. of course he replied 'Poo Poo Head Power!' oh DEAR! what have I created :)

of course then soon after he showed me how special he really is buy showing his new fashion item.. his undies cap!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Goodbye little one

Today I went to Tweed Hospital to have a curette after being in 'miscarriage' the last 2 days. I have been bleeding heavily since 5am and feels like I'm giving birth to little fish, very unpleasant. The hospital experience was a bit daunting, but once I got in to the actual ward itself after a multitude of tests, was feeling pretty secure and they were all lovely to me. I made sure to tell the nurses that I really appreciated them being kind, as bigger hospitals tend to make you feel like a number and they really went out of their way to make me feel supported and cared for. Assi and Lior came at 3pm with flowers and waited till I felt ok to leave as I was still a bit wobbly on my feet. We went to Coolangatta for sushi and then home to rest. What a big day .. a bit emotional at times but I was very accepting of what had happened and felt as though there was no baby there.. pity.. it would have been fun at xmas with everyone poking my belly and feeling the new little dadon kick them.. anyway Im sure she will come back to me very soon :)