Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Too long between drinks- 19wks preg with TWINS!

Well its been a loooooong time since posting. I have got some news.. Im pregnant.. with TWINS!!! YES and Im nearly 19 weeks.. have been very ill and still feeling yuck most days.. but definitely not as bad as the beginning stages.. I am starting to get excited now about it but was VERY shocked to begin with and thought it was a cruel joke.. now the clouds have cleared and I can see how wonderful it is.. even though its gonna be hard work!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

A visit from Nanny - August 08

Well Ive just turned 39.. my last year in my 30's.. didnt really think I was worried too much about being so close to 40 but after a few went oooohhhh I sat back and took in where in my life I had arrived - life has just flown by. But as they say 40 is the new 30.. so Ive decided to embrace it and looking forward to all the wise years to follow..

Darling Nanny came to visit us for my birthday and to enjoy our funny little man.. Was sad today though when we had to say goodbye.. he cried so much that it broke my heart.. of course he soon got over it but every now and then would start to cry again and plead with me to go with Nanny on the bus.

We have done so much work this week.. or should I say mum did so much work this week, cutting, glittering, cooking, gardening.. playing with Lior and making elaborate castles with blocks.. its really been a lot of fun.. and sad to see her go.. we plan to be home for Xmas in Wagga so something for Lior to look forward to again..

We tried out a new market yesterday at Mt Tambourine. It was great fun with a baby animal farm right behind us and ride on cars that seemed to have the daddys laughing and having more fun than their kids!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Silly buggers

Well Lior is certainly growing up fast.. he said his first 'naughty' word the other day.. he actually said it with a cheeky look on his face like he knew what it was but knew it was bad.. I did something and went OHHHH and then stopped and I looked over at him and he said 'shit?' too funny!..

anyway he has just started saying siller bugger too which is amusing as neither me or Assi say it.. must be pre school.. well I guess lots of stuff is coming home from there..

He just got a pirate ship from Daddy as a present.. Its GREAT! all wooden and comes with 4 pirates!! He has been pushing it all around the house and saying AARRRRR a lot..

Namako is Liors Alien friend.. He grew him in a test tube.. He is now out of the test tube and is shrinking.. I hope we havent killed him and have to put him back in his box.. It constantly flashes orange.. so you cant lose it.. its a bit freaky.. and he wants another one!

He has also been building amazing castles with his blocks.. He is quite good at it and when I help my buildings look silly!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Nannys Visit

Well down to Wagga we went to make sure Nanny was ok.. she had to have some surgery to remove a lump from her bladder.. they thought it might end up being cancer.. but hooray!! it wasnt and she is MUCH better now.. Daddy missed us so but was good to see my mumma and Chrissy and her girls.. Wagga being in Autumn was just so beautiful with all the autumn leaves in red, yellow and orange.. we even collected some and painted them gold.. was brrr freeezzzinggg.. so lots of time spent inside by the fire.. was some nice time out with both mum and my darling boy..

Friday, May 9, 2008

Homeboy Hippie and a Funky Thread

Lior has been so funny lately with his funny dances and character changes.. he actually pulled his pants up so high the other day and took his shirt off and put his arms up in the air and lifted his legs up high and did this old man dance all with sounds and weird facial expressions.. actually knowing that pulling his pants up like that required all that silliness to go along with it.. he is just too funny.. when he isnt challenging me.. he is such a laugh.. today he found his 'homeboy' hat.. even though it wasnt cold he insisted on wearing it.. so got the old trusty out and heres how they turned out.. too cute!

Friday, April 4, 2008

Mummys Boy

My darling child this morning decided to put on my wedding shoes and parade around.. I was sure he wouldnt be able to even stand up in them... but nooooo he got them on and did a complete song and dance routine with them on too!! too cute and of course here are the pix to prove it

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Blue Cups

Well its been a while since posting.. lots going on.. as per usual.. I wish every time Lior would say something cute or mind blowing that I would come and jot it down.. there are so many and soon we will have our video camera to get footage.. for those cute reminders later on... one sweet thing he was telling his daddy the other day was all about the 'blue cups' on the beach.. we had in the morning been at philips at New Brighton Beach, and there were hundreds of blue bottles everywhere.. we had to be ever so careful not to tread on them and almost impossible to swim as we had to dodge them in the waves.. prolly not best to even be there with a small inquisitive child and all.. but still was such a beautiful day and all... unfortunately i didnt have my camera to take pictures of these beautiful creatures so will put some sunset pix taken the next day at Wategos Beach in Byron as we watched Assi surfing

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Buzz LightYOOOO

Its that part of our childs life where imagination is really taking place.. he is constantly singing to himself and making up all the words... much that sounds like its from another world.. he can now put that together with dress ups.. darling aunty fifi has just sent him for his birthday Buzz Lightyear (or buzz lightyoooo as lior says it), batman and 2 spiderman outfits.. so here he is ,, in all his glory.. too cute!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

A BIG week!

What a week! Lior has really been a challenge of late and Im thinking he is testing his boundaries again to see how far he can push us.. As Ive been ill I guess I have let him go somewhat so its time to pull in the reins a bit.. He has started to put on a show every time we put him to bed refusing to go to sleep.. so with much screaming and hitting of doors and walls and sometimes taking away his precious piano.. he eventually gives in usually after an hour..

The good things of this week are... he swam the best he has ever swam at swim lessons.. really really did so well and I am so proud of him.. he no longer has his rocking chair (see saw) in his room.. He has had his chain dropped off his dummy (after getting smacked in the head with it!) and only has D and B (dummy and bunny) for day time sleep and going to bed.. and occasionally when he has hurt himself or really sleepy..

We have had the passionfruits falling off the vine regularly now for a while.. and had SIX one day and they are really yummy.. pix below of how huge some are!

I am also feeling much better recently after taking Jacquis chinese 'prawn eye' medicine.. I still feel quite arthritic in the mornings but can manage a power walk every couple of days and even a 20 minute bike ride.. always helps toward my 8 kilo weight loss goal!

Will start aqua aerobics this week and treating myself to Kiva Spa with some girlies too.. shld be fun.. also will find out if I have the chance at a photography job too!!

Lior is really growing up now.. such a chatterbox though! sometimes I just long for him to get to school so I can have space with no noise just to be with myself...

All in all a big week.. feeling good.. lior moving through things and growing up so fast.. only 4 weeks till we are off to Thailand so looking forward to being thinner, healthier and happier in my relationship.. all things we are working on and looking to a better future..

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Wishing Stones

Got a great idea at the markets today.. Wishing Stones with a butterfly perched on top.. a little girl told me she had a rainbow one like ours on a stone.. and it was called a wishing stone.. so Lior and I ventured to Fern Beach today to collect stones.. As I hadnt been there for such a long time.. took the camera along as its such a lovely beach and we were going to see daddy playing basketball down near there so two birds with one stone :) HA!!
anyway see the lovely pix of the Mr Stone/Stick Man

Friday, March 7, 2008

Beach Fun

Today Lior and I had a 'date' and went out for chocolate milkshakes!! I have just joined weight watchers or Biggest Loser as lior calls it! so today is my fat day.. I am letting Saturday be my one day where I can indulge in something yummy.. Assi had gone off with a friend to Byron to surf so we had a lovely morning out and then met up with Jason, Tyger, Jo and Lani for some beach fun

Monday, March 3, 2008

Liors 3rd Birthday

Well our big boy has turned 3 and we all had a fun filled day at Whitewater World with Aunty Chrissie and daddy taking a day off work.. Saturday was his party.. see pix and all in all was a great time.. he got lots of great books and ten pin bowling games, some swords which he enjoyed 'swording' everyone with Tyger and he seems so much more grown up now.. he is really starting to act like a pre schooler.. hmmm not sure if thats good or bad.. anyway lots of fun and lior loved having aunty chrissie here for a whole week :)