Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Blue Cups

Well its been a while since posting.. lots going on.. as per usual.. I wish every time Lior would say something cute or mind blowing that I would come and jot it down.. there are so many and soon we will have our video camera to get footage.. for those cute reminders later on... one sweet thing he was telling his daddy the other day was all about the 'blue cups' on the beach.. we had in the morning been at philips at New Brighton Beach, and there were hundreds of blue bottles everywhere.. we had to be ever so careful not to tread on them and almost impossible to swim as we had to dodge them in the waves.. prolly not best to even be there with a small inquisitive child and all.. but still was such a beautiful day and all... unfortunately i didnt have my camera to take pictures of these beautiful creatures so will put some sunset pix taken the next day at Wategos Beach in Byron as we watched Assi surfing

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