Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Twins Birth Story

Well I thought I would post my birth story. It was kind of long and drawn out but will make a shorter version.. I was getting quite over being pregnant as I could hardly move with a stomach so large I was measuring 48wks pregnant! I decided to go and get a stretch and sweep of my cervix from Dr Mark. He said I was 1cm dialated and easily stretched it to 2cm. I went to Rebeccas to visit soon after this and started having light contractions.. how exciting! After a few hours of irregular contractions they started being 4-5mins apart.. I called the hospital and they said to come in fairly soon. It all got irregular again and I called the hospital and told them I would wait to see what would happen.. Later that night in frustration I went to see my accupuncturist to see if she could get things moving along better.. It didnt and we ended up sleeping the night with some contractions here and there.. In the morning I was booked in to have a ctg at the hospital and see what was happening.. We arrived at Tweed Hospital at 7am and after the ctg found the bubs were fine and I was having slight contractions. The doc examined me and found me to be 4-5cm! I think they did a little stretch while there as 20mins later I went into labour again and found it to be a bit more intense than the day before.. thank god! this is it.. Raine happened to be just arriving at the hospital to see Luweena, another calm birth attendee.. who had had her baby and was in Tweed. Labour progressed nicely and 3 hours later they examined me.. but I hadnt dialated anymore.. I had a wonderful midwife Steph who explained that the docs would want to get things moving and want to break my waters.. we decided to have a short nap and talk about what to do.. I at this stage wanted them out and was happy to go down this path.. but steph explained not to as bubs were happy and everything was coming along nicely.. We opted to not go down this path so they moved us out of the birthing suite and into a ward room.. We took the opportunity as a night off and enjoyed the room like a hotel room and watched movies and ate chocolate.. and relaxed.. nothing much else happened and we ended up home the next morning.. feeling a bit deflated but ready to rest for a few days and hope things started up again.. After a few days I was feeling quite over it again.. I spoke to steph and she told me she was working a 12 hour shift on the Tuesday (21st april) so booked in to be induced.. By Monday night at 11.30pm I woke up with a punch to my cervix OUCH! then went to the toilet and had a really intense contraction that lastest for what felt like a minute.. I went out and told Assi I think we better pack the car.. then I had diarrhoea and more pain.. We quickly got ready and off we went.. After having 40mins in the car like this.. 1-2min contractions.. I was ready for drugs!! They had to wheel me up to the womens care floor and after vomiting and sucking on the gas for a while the anaethetist arrived to give me my much longed for epidural.. By 2am it was done.. but was very intense during the process.. We all rested for a few hours and the midwives kept checking on me and telling me I was contracting well.. By 4.50am I was 10cm dialated and ready to push.. I was scared for them to turn off the epi so after2 hrs the doc came and told me something had to happen.. Steph then came on her shift so convinced me to turn it half down and add some synto .. after another hour of severe pushing.. out came Elijah.. How AMAZING!! To have that gorgeous boy placed on my chest crying and his face covered in green meconium was the most beautiful thing Ive ever experienced.. I was stunned.. they then waited for the cord to stop pulsating.. I felt some more contractions after a while and so Assi cut the cord and took him so I get his sister out.. I was sooooo scared to push again and was told it wouldnt be as hard.. hmmm well it WAS HARD!! After another hour out came little Sophia all covered in vernix.. SOOOOO happy it was over.. HALLLLELUUUJJJAHHHHH!!!! Thats it.. instant family.. family of five.. no more kids for me.. We have it all now.. our little family..

Mummies Day

Well my first mummies day of 3 children! Went out to my fave cafe for my fave breaky.. beautiful sunny day and then had some fun in the park with Lior.. and home for a nanna nap.. all in all a lovely day :)

Sunday, May 3, 2009

The twinnies are here

Well the long awaited arrival of our gorgeous twinnies has now come. It has been a journey and a half to get here but its finally here and now we are all sleep deprived and just surviving each day as it comes. I have found it quite overwhelming and sometimes feeling quite depressed about it all.. but know deep down that 'this too shall pass' and I will end up so in love with the two little fusspots :)

Had the Community Nurse here today for 2 hours.. sorted us out re sleeping and feeding issues and made me feel much more sane.. thank GOD! its all a bit much really but I know that I will get the hang of it in no time and we will all be sleeping and looking back at this time as just a short time in our lives.

The little darlings are 2 weeks old tomorrow and in the last week Sophia has put on 500grams! and Elijah over 300gms in a week.. which is unreal considering they only need to be putting on between 100-150gms.. so at least we know they are getting good food from me and my supply is keeping up with them. Sophia has very sensitive skin and is covered in this light dermatitis.. something the nurse said to watch and bathe her in a bath with oatmeal in a sock. Elijah is much the same but not as bad..

They are both pretty cruisy babies and dont cry that much. Elijah is a real fusspot though and expects his milk to be poured into his mouth.. typical male.. wants all the work done for him.. HA!!.. Sophia is very much like me but has a real cranky look on her face sometimes.. Assi says this is exactly like mine too.. stirrer! no really she has this funny little crease above her nose which Im sure she will grow out of but right now it looks like she has all the worries of the world on her shoulders..

Elijah has the cutest little pursed lips and you just want to kiss them.. and they both smell divine..

All in all Im so pleased to finally have my body back and look forward to love and laughs from our two little miracles..