Sunday, May 3, 2009

The twinnies are here

Well the long awaited arrival of our gorgeous twinnies has now come. It has been a journey and a half to get here but its finally here and now we are all sleep deprived and just surviving each day as it comes. I have found it quite overwhelming and sometimes feeling quite depressed about it all.. but know deep down that 'this too shall pass' and I will end up so in love with the two little fusspots :)

Had the Community Nurse here today for 2 hours.. sorted us out re sleeping and feeding issues and made me feel much more sane.. thank GOD! its all a bit much really but I know that I will get the hang of it in no time and we will all be sleeping and looking back at this time as just a short time in our lives.

The little darlings are 2 weeks old tomorrow and in the last week Sophia has put on 500grams! and Elijah over 300gms in a week.. which is unreal considering they only need to be putting on between 100-150gms.. so at least we know they are getting good food from me and my supply is keeping up with them. Sophia has very sensitive skin and is covered in this light dermatitis.. something the nurse said to watch and bathe her in a bath with oatmeal in a sock. Elijah is much the same but not as bad..

They are both pretty cruisy babies and dont cry that much. Elijah is a real fusspot though and expects his milk to be poured into his mouth.. typical male.. wants all the work done for him.. HA!!.. Sophia is very much like me but has a real cranky look on her face sometimes.. Assi says this is exactly like mine too.. stirrer! no really she has this funny little crease above her nose which Im sure she will grow out of but right now it looks like she has all the worries of the world on her shoulders..

Elijah has the cutest little pursed lips and you just want to kiss them.. and they both smell divine..

All in all Im so pleased to finally have my body back and look forward to love and laughs from our two little miracles..

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