Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Rice Bubbles for the baby

my dear child was giving his baby a kiss (on my belly) the other night and Assi told him to give the baby a raspberry... liors comment was "yesss i will give the baby some rice bubbles''.. hmmm it does sound similar.. too cute!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Lior Long Stocking

Lior decided he was going to wear Daddys work sox around - up to his knees for the morning.. too cute! until my friend turned up and then he put on his undies and shorts quicksmart! couldnt have anyone seeing his 'noodle'! HA!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Scan results

Well the scan came back saying the sac is only 5wks, 6 days.. so have rescheduled another appt for 2 weeks time.. bit disappointed as I should be 7 weeks so either ovulation dates are wrong from the D&C or have another BOvum.. hope not.. I feel positive its all ok but still the doubt is lurking there in the shadows.. Anyway on with my day and will try not to worry

Monday, January 14, 2008

2 days to go

well only two days to go till I see if there is a little heartbeat on the ultrasound.. I really feel positive this time that its going ahead.. I am feeling more and more lethargic as the days go on.. thank god Im not feeling sick like last time where I felt like I had cancer!.. just really tired and couldnt be bothered with the mundane stuff of life.. cooking, cleaning etc.. I am trying to get some accounts done this morning (yawn) as the pile has been getting quite large from the last 6mths piling up.. will try to do a bit each day to knock it down. Lior went back to day care today much to his disappointment.. he kept telling me he was staying at home on his own and really was quite upset when I left him there.. It has been a long gap since he left care and he has been thoroughly enjoying himself with mum and dad home to play with.

watching Death at a Funeral currently whilst doing my accounts.. its absolutely hilarious!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Beach Bums

Soooo hot today!! the rain had suddenly cleared after more than 2 weeks of nearly solid rain.. we decided to get out there and tidy up the yards.. Assi started to mow the lawns when a big black cloud started to appear overhead.. he was mowing so fast he was nearly running! the lawns were in a right state after all the rain and no chance to do anything about it so he really wanted to get it done.. also very mushy but something had to be done.. so anyway we got a great sunshower and Assi continued to mow whilst Lior and I decided to watch him whilst sitting in the pool ... later on it was still quite hot so we decided to get to the beach to let Lior have a run around.. we had a very lovely and cheeky time :)

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Gorgeous girl

As I'm trying to be a budding photographer (and photoshop guru) I wanted to post these lovely shots of my friend Blythes gorgeous angelic daughter Maayan .. she is just a doll isnt she! We all had a lovely BBQ catch up day today, and such nice mementos to have lovely pix of your precious babies isnt it , they grow up so god damn fast... :)

Friday, January 4, 2008

Back on the baby bandwagon

Well Im up the duff again! I finally found out good and proper this time after two weeks consisting of 7 urine tests and 2 blood tests.. on monday when I was at the hospital helping Jo get a new cast on her leg I had a urine and blood test.. the doctors say urine test is negative even though there is a line, and the blood test came back with a hcg score of 24.. I needed a 25 for them to say positive. Assi seems a little down about it but I really REALLY thought I was pregnant as had many symptoms so I just kept my mouth shut this time and waited another few days to do one more test.. and of course that little faint line came up.. anyway having a scan in a week to see if this ones viable.. crossing fingers and legs it is.. I feel really good so far, Im probably around 6 or 7 weeks now.. just a little tired and quite vague.. but thanking god I have no morning sickness.. feeling very light and warm and fuzzy about it all.. nothing compared to last time. I just felt so toxic and black last time.. like I had a disease..

well bring it on.. looking forward to the journey.. as it will be the last baby I have.. I hope to enjoy this and also the birth.. Lior keeps asking me every day when is the baby coming and he is excited to say hello to 'her' and kiss her when she comes out and that he will help change her nappy.. too cute :)

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Birth Memories

I have always been curious to ask Lior if he remembers being in my tummy or of his actual birth. I have asked him a few times the past year and of course get silly answers that dont relate to it at all. As he has grown up so much recently I tried it again. So I asked him remember when you were in my tummy and you were born, he answers 'yeah i was in your tummy and i was born upside down (making hand and head gestures as if he is falling upside down).. I was shocked to hear this as he hasnt seen a birth movie.. so I quickly asked him 'what happened then?' to keep him on a roll.. he said ' there was a lizard' I asked him 'what colour was it?' he answered 'pink'... I was again amazed.. this must have been the umbilical cord.. He then said 'I didnt cry' like he was a big boy and was proud that he didnt cry,.. and actually in his birth he didnt cry straight away when he came out.. he opened his eyes and looked straight at me.. he hasnt gone further past this although I told him he had a drink of milk from my boobies and he laughed his head off shaking his head saying 'nooo i didnt' - anyway too cute and very amazing.. will try to get more on this and post when I get an update.. funnily enough his little girlfriend Lani after being asked just says her head hurt :)