Thursday, January 3, 2008

Birth Memories

I have always been curious to ask Lior if he remembers being in my tummy or of his actual birth. I have asked him a few times the past year and of course get silly answers that dont relate to it at all. As he has grown up so much recently I tried it again. So I asked him remember when you were in my tummy and you were born, he answers 'yeah i was in your tummy and i was born upside down (making hand and head gestures as if he is falling upside down).. I was shocked to hear this as he hasnt seen a birth movie.. so I quickly asked him 'what happened then?' to keep him on a roll.. he said ' there was a lizard' I asked him 'what colour was it?' he answered 'pink'... I was again amazed.. this must have been the umbilical cord.. He then said 'I didnt cry' like he was a big boy and was proud that he didnt cry,.. and actually in his birth he didnt cry straight away when he came out.. he opened his eyes and looked straight at me.. he hasnt gone further past this although I told him he had a drink of milk from my boobies and he laughed his head off shaking his head saying 'nooo i didnt' - anyway too cute and very amazing.. will try to get more on this and post when I get an update.. funnily enough his little girlfriend Lani after being asked just says her head hurt :)

1 comment:

  1. That is absolutely amazing, Rose! I can't wait to ask M!
