Friday, January 4, 2008

Back on the baby bandwagon

Well Im up the duff again! I finally found out good and proper this time after two weeks consisting of 7 urine tests and 2 blood tests.. on monday when I was at the hospital helping Jo get a new cast on her leg I had a urine and blood test.. the doctors say urine test is negative even though there is a line, and the blood test came back with a hcg score of 24.. I needed a 25 for them to say positive. Assi seems a little down about it but I really REALLY thought I was pregnant as had many symptoms so I just kept my mouth shut this time and waited another few days to do one more test.. and of course that little faint line came up.. anyway having a scan in a week to see if this ones viable.. crossing fingers and legs it is.. I feel really good so far, Im probably around 6 or 7 weeks now.. just a little tired and quite vague.. but thanking god I have no morning sickness.. feeling very light and warm and fuzzy about it all.. nothing compared to last time. I just felt so toxic and black last time.. like I had a disease..

well bring it on.. looking forward to the journey.. as it will be the last baby I have.. I hope to enjoy this and also the birth.. Lior keeps asking me every day when is the baby coming and he is excited to say hello to 'her' and kiss her when she comes out and that he will help change her nappy.. too cute :)

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