Thursday, February 28, 2008

Sooo sick of being sick

well after being so sick with morning sickness I have now been told after a blood test that I have Ross River Fever!! which comes with extremely painful arthritis in my joints.. esp my right wrist.. now am taking lots of herbal mixtures and resting when I can .. ever so boring to still be ill..I have been ill now since mid last year as I have now have 2 x 12 week pregnancies with 4 weeks in between.. now this.. and this could last another 3mths!! Someone is trying to tell me something I guess.. REST!! so now have Chrissie here and once she is back in Melbourne after Liors birthday (this weekend).. will start to put into plan my 'restful' new life schedule..

Thursday, February 21, 2008

OWWWeeeeeee for mummy and lior

Hmmm went for my docs check up yesterday and complained of what I thought was carpel tunnel syndrome.. and he tells me no its arthritis.. and its viral.. from a mosquito bite!! WHAT THE??!! very painful and not fun I tell you.. it could also be Ross River.. but have to wait for 2 weeks for it to be in my system before they can do a blood test to see for sure. .in the meanwhile I am taking anti inflammatories which helps a bit..

So at the same time as being told this I get a call from Billi Lids Pre School and that Lior has a bead stuck up his nose!! OUCH! I raced there and he was all cool about it but after several efforts of blowing his nose, spraying water up there to get him to sneeze and trying to stick the end of a spoon up there to get it out.. nothing was happening.. so BACK to the doctors and after 30 mins with 4 of us on top of him.. we finally got it out.. the poor thing was so traumatised that in his afternoon sleep he woke up twice sobbing.. poor little man.. bet he doesnt do THAT again!! :)

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Another Angel Baby

Today I went for a scan to see the progress of this bub. Unfortunately the baby hadnt grown any since the last scan 2 weeks ago and there was no heartbeat. Very disappointing seeing I really felt this time it was all healthy and was going to plan.. well deep DEEP down when I tried to visualise bubs I actually just saw a dark still form there.. I told myself it was going to be ok but I still think from doubt and concern from the doctors that I hadnt allowed myself that wonderful acceptance that I was having a 'normal' pregnancy and that it was all going to plan... I am so pleased I got the scan done now and not waited another 4 weeks.. what torture to go through with all the sickness I was feeling.. The hospital procedure was long and freezing..I was starving and feeling off colour due to morning sickness.. I just wanted it over. I finally got to the womens ward at 3.30pm.. yes the womens ward, amongst the maternity ward with all the newborn babies and happy families. I mentioned to the midwives/nurses twice that it was a really sick joke that they put D &C patients in with newborn babies crying all around. Luckily I wasnt that affected.. well I was very well detached from the whole thing and just wanted it over and to be home with my family.. The procedure went well.. I scoffed down 2 lots of sandwiches, 2 juices and dessert as soon as I could and Assi and Lior got me and took me home around 8pm.

At this stage I am looking forward to getting healthy and back into shape. I have had brief thoughts on doing my camera course online.. now that I wont be sick and wont be getting pregnant for a while.. I will have my 'other baby' to nurture and care for.. my passion.. my photography.. will be good to get something like that behind me before I have to care for 2 little monkeys..

I look forward to a big walk on the beach tomorrow to give my body some much needed vitamin D, a good cardiovascular workout as I havent walked for weeks and also some time to reflect.. Im sure there will be some tears.. and probably much needed....

Monday, February 11, 2008

First day of Billi Lids Pre School

Well Lior had a good day on his first day at Billi Lids.. Charlotte was there to take care of him and he seemed to fit in really well.. I think he actually had a ball.. so pleased..

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Pregnant ladees

Well my first weekend away from my boys was very surreal, very wet and full of past memories of my sydney life. I had a lovely time with my pregnant girls but so glad to be home with my darling boys..

Two pix of the gorgeous rounded bellies :)