Thursday, February 21, 2008

OWWWeeeeeee for mummy and lior

Hmmm went for my docs check up yesterday and complained of what I thought was carpel tunnel syndrome.. and he tells me no its arthritis.. and its viral.. from a mosquito bite!! WHAT THE??!! very painful and not fun I tell you.. it could also be Ross River.. but have to wait for 2 weeks for it to be in my system before they can do a blood test to see for sure. .in the meanwhile I am taking anti inflammatories which helps a bit..

So at the same time as being told this I get a call from Billi Lids Pre School and that Lior has a bead stuck up his nose!! OUCH! I raced there and he was all cool about it but after several efforts of blowing his nose, spraying water up there to get him to sneeze and trying to stick the end of a spoon up there to get it out.. nothing was happening.. so BACK to the doctors and after 30 mins with 4 of us on top of him.. we finally got it out.. the poor thing was so traumatised that in his afternoon sleep he woke up twice sobbing.. poor little man.. bet he doesnt do THAT again!! :)

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